Posted inNational News

Trump: Leaders Called Him on Election Night to Congratulate, Then Votes Came in ‘Dumps’

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump said that world leaders called to congratulate him on Election Night but then, according to him, votes came in “dumps,” while adding that his team will appeal recent court losses to the U.S. Supreme Court. “All of a sudden,” he said in a Fox Business interview Sunday, “I went from winning by […]

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Trump Praises State Lawmakers for ‘Defending Our Great Constitution’

By Tom Ozimek President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to praise lawmakers for defending the Constitution. “So much credit to all of the brave men and women in state houses who are defending our great Constitution. Thank you!” the president said in the tweet. While it is unclear what actions Trump was specifically referring to, his campaign’s […]

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Zuckerberg-Funded Group Comes Into Spotlight in Election-Related Court Cases

By Zachary Stieber A group that received hundreds of millions of dollars from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is accused in post-election lawsuits of contributing to constitutional violations in key battleground states. The Center for Tech and Civic Life, a national nonprofit based in Illinois, provided funding to over 2,500 election offices across the country to run elections amid the […]

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Michigan Complaint: Vote Counts ‘Not Normal’

By Christina Kim The complaint against Michigan’s Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, marks the beginning of Powell’s lawsuit against the state. Some of the allegations are repeated claims from Michigan and other states. Republican challengers were unable to “meaningfully observe,” and workers were instructed to backdate ballots. Other claims are newer. Expert […]

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Questionable Votes Exceed Margin: Analyst

By Kevin Hogan A data analyst performed 35 experiments in 5 states regarding voter data in the presidential election. According to his findings, in at least three of the states the number of questionable or potentially fraudulent ballots exceeds the vote margin between Trump and Biden. The leader of the Voter Integrity Project and former Trump Data and Strategy […]

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Giuliani: Trump Campaign Focusing on Supreme Court, State Legislatures

By Zachary Stieber President Donald Trump’s campaign is working on two fronts, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Friday: legal battles and state legislatures. “The objective here is twofold. One is to get the right case to the Supreme Court. And we’ve got four or five of them that are headed there. And also to try to convince the legislators […]

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President’s Lawyers Working to Convince Arizona’s Legislature to Appoint Trump Electors

By Zachary Stieber President Donald Trump’s lawyers are working to persuade lawmakers in Arizona to appoint electors for the Republicans to the Electoral College. “‘We’re hopeful that Arizona will follow the same path that Pennsylvania has now spearheaded by going first, and by seeing that there is substantial and more than enough evidence that this election was […]

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Rep. Mo Brooks: Trump Could Win Second Term Through State Delegation Votes

By Zachary Stieber President Donald Trump could win a second term if the 2020 election goes to the secondary system set up to support the Electoral College, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said this week. If neither Trump nor Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden get 270 or more electoral votes, then the House of Representatives would pick the next […]