Posted inNational News

Ex-CIA Officer Alleges That Election Irregularities Could Be Part of a Big Scheme

By Allen Zhong Gary Berntsen, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) career officer who worked on various counterterrorism deployments, worries that the irregularities that happened during the November election may be part of a larger scheme. “If you want to steal an election of the United States, what do you do? You go into the swing states, […]

Posted inCongress

Rep. Mo Brooks Plans to Challenge Electoral College Votes in Congress

By Jack Phillips Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) confirmed that he’s planning to challenge the Electoral College’s votes when Congress certifies the presidential election on Jan. 6 during the Joint Session of Congress. “In my judgment, if only lawful votes by eligible American citizens were cast, Donald Trump won the Electoral College by a significant margin, and Congress’s […]

Posted inNational News

Michigan House Speaker: Rudy Giuliani to Testify to Michigan State House

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani will testify in front of the Michigan State House, according to House Speaker Lee Chatfield. Chatfield, a Republican, wrote Tuesday that Giuliani will testify Wednesday on election fraud allegations because “election integrity still matters, regardless of whether you’re a Republican or Democrat,” and “our Republic only works if there is […]

Posted inNational News

Anonymous Email From Arizona Tech Worker Alleges 35,000 Votes Given to Democrats in Pima County: Witness

By Jack Phillips An alleged anonymous whistleblower’s email that was provided to a cybersecurity expert in testimony during an Arizona GOP state Senate meeting claimed that 35,000 fraudulent votes were given to each of the Democratic candidates in Pima County, Arizona. A copy of the email was displayed during the event on Monday, as cited by retired […]

Posted inNational News

Sidney Powell: Voting Contracts in Georgia Warrant Criminal Investigation

By Jack Phillips Sidney Powell, who has filed election-related lawsuits in favor of President Donald Trump’s campaign, said that Dominion Voting Systems should be investigated over a lucrative Georgia contract that was awarded to the election systems maker. “There should be an investigation, a thorough criminal investigation, frankly, of everyone involved in acquiring the Dominion [Voting] System […]

Posted inNational News

Joe Biden Injures Ankle While Playing With His Dog: Campaign

By Jack Phillips Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden slipped while playing with his dog, Major, and twisted his ankle, according to his campaign and pool reporters. His campaign said Sunday that “out of an abundance of caution, he will be examined this afternoon by an orthopedist.” Other details about the incident were not clear. The pool reporters said they were […]

Posted inNational News

PA poll watcher: USB cards uploaded to voting machines 24+ times, 47 USB cards missing

By NTD A Republican poll observer from Pennsylvania’s Delaware County told a Senate GOP Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg on Nov. 25 that he witnessed a range of Election Day irregularities, including 47 USB cards that went missing. Greg Stenstrom, who, besides being a poll watcher, said he’s an expert in security fraud, told the […]