Posted inNational News

Kansas to Be First Test of Voter Sentiment in the ‘Post-Roe’ Era

By John Haughey The first ballot test of the official, newly-minted “post-Roe era” will be on Aug. 2, when Kansas voters are presented with a proposed amendment on their primary ballots that declares there is no constitutional right to abortion. The Kansas Value Them Both Amendment is the first of four proposed constitutional amendments addressing abortion that will go before […]

Posted inNational News

‘Such Courage’: Trump Praises Texas GOP for Disavowing Result of 2020 Presidential Election

By Gary Bai Former President Donald Trump has praised the Texas GOP for adopting a platform on June 18 that rejected the results of the 2020 presidential election. “Wow! Look at the Great State of Texas and their powerful Republican Party Platform on the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud,” said Trump on Truth Social on June 21. “After much research […]

Posted inNational News

More Than 8,000 Double-Registered Voters Found on New Jersey Rolls

By Mark Tapscott New Jersey voter registration records contain more than 8,200 duplicate names, making it possible for one person to cast two ballots, plus another 61 triplicate registrations, seven quadruplicates, three pentaplicates, and one sextuplicate, according to the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF). “New Jersey’s voter registration system, like nearly every other studied by PILF, […]

Posted inNational News

Biden Accelerating Obama’s Push for a ‘Woke’ Military, Undermining Combat Readiness, Analysts Say

By Michael Washburn As the U.S. military rolls out its new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), which imposes different physical standards and requirements for men and women, longtime defense analysts and observers say that the military’s push for diversity and inclusion—a trend that accelerated under President Barack Obama and that the Biden administration aggressively carries forward—undermines combat training and […]

Posted inNational News

Election Integrity Group Unveils Findings on Ballot Trafficking in Arizona

By Allan Stein The election integrity group True the Vote presented Arizona lawmakers with cell phone tracking data showing alleged ballot traffickers visited drop boxes in two of the state’s largest counties no less than 5,700 times during the 2020 election. “When we started the project, we didn’t know [what we would find],” said Catherine Engelbrecht, the Texas group’s founder […]

Posted inBusiness

12 Groups Behind Protest of Musk’s Twitter Takeover Have Ties With Gates Foundation, Soros

By Eva Fu Around a dozen liberal groups that pressured Twitter advertisers to boycott the platform in response to Elon Musk’s plans to acquire it received money from entities backed by Bill Gates and George Soros, an analysis of public filings shows. In early May, a group of 26 organizations penned a public letter claiming that the Tesla CEO’s takeover […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Department of Justice Mistakenly Referred to During Opening of Trump–Russia Probe: FBI Agent

By John Haughey and Zachary Stieber WASHINGTON—The investigation into claims of a secret communications channel between Donald Trump and Russia was not triggered by the Department of Justice (DOJ), despite the document memorializing the investigation stating it was, an FBI agent testified on May 24. The electronic communications on the probe, dated Sept. 23, 2016, say the FBI received a referral of information from […]

Posted inNational News

Hillary Clinton Approved Giving Trump-Russia Allegations to Reporter: Testimony

By John Haughey and Zachary Stieber WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton greenlighted the plan to give allegations against Donald Trump to a reporter ahead of the 2016 election, Clinton’s campaign manager testified in federal court on May 20. “We told her we have this and we want to share it with a reporter. She agreed to that,” said Robby Mook, the campaign […]