Posted inEconomy

Trump tells governors feds ‘will step in’ if government disagrees with state restart plans

By Tyler Olson | Fox News President Trump told governors on a conference call Monday that he “will step in” if the federal government disagrees with state reopening plans, as he largely expressed satisfaction with how the governors are moving to lift coronavirus restrictions in their individual states, according to a report. Trump, whose administration last month revealed guidelines for when states should begin lifting […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Dem-imposed coronavirus orders face lawsuits across the nation

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Stay-at-home orders aimed at reducing the spread of coronavirus are now facing legal challenges from residents and state officials alike, alleging that some measures – mostly put in place by Democrats — go too far while the country gradually moves toward reopening. California alone is facing at least a dozen lawsuits that include claims that the state […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Watergate prosecutors who want to weigh in on Flynn case include Dem donors, outspoken Trump critics

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Sixteen former Watergate prosecutors have notified Emmet Sullivan, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, that they intend to file an “amicus curiae” (“friend of the court”) brief in the case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn after the Department of Justice (DOJ) moved to dismiss the charges against him. Flynn had previously pleaded guilty […]

Posted inHealthcare

Scores of veterans killed in ‘horrific’ coronavirus outbreak at Massachusetts elder care facility

By David Aaro | Fox News The coronavirus has killed at least 80 veterans at an elder care facility in Massachusetts, in what’s being described as the deadliest known outbreak at a long-term care facility in the U.S. An additional 82 veterans and 81 employees have tested positive for the virus at Holyoke Soldiers’ Home, and federal officials are trying to determine whether residents were […]

Posted inNational News

Dem lawmakers eye ‘opportunity’ for historic expansion of government amid coronavirus crisis

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said during the 2008 financial crisis that lawmakers should “never let a crisis go to waste,” and many Democratic lawmakers appear to be heeding that advice — using the coronavirus pandemic as a jumping-off point to renew calls for a historic expansion of government. Emanuel repeated his mantra again last […]

Posted inNational News

Protests against coronavirus lockdown orders spread in North Carolina, Missouri: ‘My rights are essential’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Angry demonstrators took to the streets in North Carolina and Missouri on Tuesday to voice their discontent at their states’ stay-at-home orders amid the coronavirus pandemic. The protests in Raleigh, N.C. and Jefferson City, Mo., are the latest in a series of protests across the country against state lockdown orders – fueled […]

Posted inCongress

Trump ramps up pressure on Pelosi over stalemate on small business program: ‘Come back to Washington’

By Adam Shaw | Fox News President Trump on Friday ramped up the pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, urging her to “get back to Washington” and solve the stalemate in Congress over a $250 billion request to top-up a small-business loan program as part of the response to the coronavirus crisis. “An incompetent political hack! Come back to Washington & […]

Posted inNational News

Sanders suspends presidential campaign, rendering Biden presumptive Democratic nominee

By Paul Steinhauser, Brooke Singman | Fox News Bernie Sanders suspended his Democratic presidential campaign on Wednesday, effectively ensuring former Vice President Joe Biden will be the party’s nominee even as the liberal Vermont senator vowed to continue to lead his “movement” into the future. The senator, at one point the front-runner for the nomination, initially announced the decision during an all-staff conference […]