Posted inSupreme Court

Trump Says He Will Intervene in Texas’ SCOTUS Election Case

By Tom Ozimek President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he and/or members of his legal team would join, as intervenors, the lawsuit brought by Texas’ Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton to the U.S. Supreme Court against four battleground states. “We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. This is the big one. Our Country needs a […]

Posted inNational News

States Back Texas in Supreme Court Suit, Alleging ‘Unconstitutional’ Election in Battleground States

By Janita Kan Several states have expressed their support for Texas’s bid to challenge the election results in four battleground states, which was filed on Tuesday in the U.S. Supreme Court. Attorneys general for Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, and Louisiana have issued statements in support of a motion put forward by Texas asking the nation’s top court for […]

Posted inNational News

Inauguration Committee Fails to Pass Resolution Acknowledging Biden as President-Elect

By Jack Phillips The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies voted down a resolution to acknowledge Joe Biden as the president-elect as President Donald Trump and other Republicans continue lawsuits challenging the results of the Nov. 3 election, according to several members of the bipartisan panel. There are three Republicans and three Democrats on the panel […]

Posted inNational News

Campaign Lawyer: Legislatures in Swing States Will Switch Electors to Trump

By Zachary Stieber President Donald Trump’s campaign is confident that at least one state legislature will take back the power to select electors and change to supporting Trump, campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis said Monday. While the campaign is continuing to press forward with lawsuits in swing states, Ellis said she and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani have […]

Posted inNational News

Michigan House Chairman Tells Dominion CEO to Appear or Be Subpoenaed

By Zachary Stieber A Michigan lawmaker leading the investigation into the 2020 election threatened Dominion Voting Systems CEO with a subpoena if he doesn’t appear before his committee voluntarily. State Rep. Matt Hall, a Republican who chairs the Michigan House Oversight Committee, said in a Dec. 7 letter obtained by The Epoch Times that he sent a missive last […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Texas Asks Supreme Court to Rule Election in Four Battleground States Unconstitutional

By Ivan Pentchoukov The state of Texas on Tuesday filed an election lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, alleging that the states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures. “Plaintiff State respectfully submits that the foregoing types of electoral irregularities exceed the hanging-chad saga […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Dershowitz Says Supreme Court May Rule to Let Legislators Pick Alternate Electors

By Tom Ozimek Attorney Alan Dershowitz said on Sunday that he believes the Supreme Court may get involved in adjudicating on whether state legislators have the power to pick alternate Electoral College electors who would vote for President Donald Trump if legislatures determine there was voter fraud, even after an initial slate of electors has cast its votes on […]

Posted inNational News

Rudy Giuliani: 3 State Legislatures May Change Electoral College Voters

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that the legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan might end up deciding what electors are sent to the Electoral College, suggesting it could end up in the U.S. Supreme Court. Giuliani said that the GOP-controlled legislatures in the three states could vote on sending their own slate of electors, […]

Posted inNational News

Electoral College Deadlines Not ‘Set In Stone’: Election Integrity Watchdog

By Tom Ozimek An election integrity watchdog said the current Electoral College deadlines not only have “zero constitutional basis” but are preventing states from fulfilling their legal and ethical obligations to ensure free and fair elections. The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society released the study (pdf) on Friday, making the case that […]

Posted inNational News

Michigan Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines, Giuliani Says

By Ivan Pentchoukov A judge in Antrim County, Michigan, has authorized a forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines, according to Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. “BIG WIN FOR HONEST ELECTIONS,” the former New York City Mayor wrote on Twitter on Dec. 4. “This is where the untrustworthy Dominion machine flipped 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. Spiking of votes by […]

Posted inOpinion

How Pro-Beijing Communists Almost Stole the Election for Joe Biden—the Old-Fashioned Way

By Trevor Loudon Commentary The American public is becoming increasingly aware of evidence of massive computer fraud, out-of state and dead voters, and truckloads of fake ballots tilting the recent election toward Joe Biden. There are even whispers of Venezuelan, Iranian, and Chinese involvement. No one, however, is yet talking about the fact that a network […]