Posted inNational News

Mike Bloomberg suspends presidential campaign after Super Tuesday flop

By Paul Steinhauser, Kelly Phares | Fox News Former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg suspended his presidential campaign Wednesday after spending record amounts from his own fortune on an ad-blitz strategy that failed to yield any wins on Super Tuesday beyond a single victory in the American Samoa caucuses. He immediately announced he would be endorsing Joe Biden, following in the footsteps […]

Posted inNational News

Biden roars back: Super Tuesday leaves ex-VP in airtight contest for delegates with Sanders

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Get ready for a long and grueling road ahead as Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders battle for the Democratic presidential nomination in a race that could possibly result in the country’s first contested major-party nominating convention in well over a half-century. The former vice president, surging to victory in the five southern Super Tuesday states and beyond, crowed to […]

Posted inNational News

2020 Primaries & Caucuses

By FOX NEWS Democrats 3,330 delegates left Joe Biden 342342 votes 1,991 NEEDED TO WIN Bernie Sanders 233233 votes Elizabeth Warren 2121 votes Michael Bloomberg 2020 votes Tulsi Gabbard 00 votes Amy Klobuchar 77 votes Pete Buttigieg 2626 votes Candidates with no delegates include: Michael Bennet, Nathan Bloxham, Cory Booker, Mosie Boyd, Steve Bullock, Steve […]

Posted inNational News

Super Tuesday guide: The states, the stakes, who’s in contention and more

By Tyler Olson | Fox News Tuesday is the most important day in the 2020 presidential race so far. With 1,357 pledged delegates — 34 percent of the nationwide total — up for grabs on what’s known as Super Tuesday, the results of these contests will set the course for the rest of the presidential nominating calendar and could make or break several candidates’ campaigns. […]

Posted inNational News

Super Tuesday miracle? Everything is suddenly going right for Biden after near-collapse of campaign

By Tyler Olson | Fox News The comeback kid? Joe Biden may or may not have pulled off a Bill Clinton-style recovery for his primary campaign, but at least for now, the political stars are aligning for the Democratic presidential candidate who was all but counted out after failing to win any of the first three contests. Now, after dominating […]

Posted inNational News

Democracy 2020 Digest: Bloomberg won’t budge as rivals clear field for Biden

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar exited the White House race in the past 24 hours – moves that will likely help consolidate moderate Democratic support for former Vice President Joe Biden in his bid to prevent populist and progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders from capturing the Democratic presidential nomination. But centrist Mike Bloomberg isn’t ready to follow in their footsteps, saying on the […]

Posted inOpinion

Leslie Marshall: Biden’s big victory in SC primary strengthens his challenge to Sanders

By Leslie Marshall | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden’s big victory in the South Carolina Democratic presidential primary Saturday gives strong backing to his efforts to position himself as the candidate best able to defeat democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for the party’s presidential nomination. Biden captured 48 percent of the vote, compared with just 20 percent […]

Posted inOpinion

Liz Peek: Coronavirus concerns aren’t only fears jolting the markets; rise of socialist Sanders is, too

By Liz Peek | Fox News The coronavirus plunged a knife in the heart of our raging bull market last week. So did Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. That’s what some top investors are saying, suggesting the stock sell-off reflected anxieties about the spreading disease, to be sure, but also real alarm that the socialist ideologue could actually become our next president. That possible outcome to the chaotic Democratic primary season was viewed […]

Posted inNational News

Tom Steyer ends campaign after Biden wins South Carolina primary

By Adam Shaw, Nick Givas | Fox News Billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer ended his presidential bid on Saturday, after what appears to be a third-place finish in South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary. Steyer made the official announcement during his post-primary rally in South Carolina and told voters he no longer sees a viable path forward to winning the White House. “We were disappointed with […]

Posted inNational News

Buttigieg exits presidential race ahead of Super Tuesday, cementing collapse after strong Iowa showing

By Gregg Re | Fox News Pete Buttigieg told supporters he’s ending his presidential campaign on Sunday, campaign sources confirmed to Fox News, in an abrupt and surprising pullout that further narrows the field of Democrats less than a month after he declared victory in the contested Iowa caucuses. Buttigieg had been scheduled to headline a rally in Dallas on Sunday night. The […]