Posted inNational News

Beware Soros-Funded Hijacking of US Census

A Commentary By Michelle Malkin “Are you a U.S. citizen?” Only in self-defeating, sovereignty-eroding America is the idea of asking whether people living in America are American citizens for the American census a matter of controversy. On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the Trump administration can include a citizenship question on […]

Posted inCongress

Revoke Ilhan Omar’s Marriage Fraud Immunity Card

A Commentary By Michelle Malkin If you are not a member of the Democrats’ protected class of bitter loudmouths who hate America, you can be investigated and prosecuted for marriage fraud. The headlines have been filled with recent crackdowns. In Texas last week, 96 people were indicted on federal charges of conspiring to defraud our […]

Posted inNational News

Tucker Carlson: The real reason Obama intel officials don’t want you to know how they spied on Americans

 By Tucker Carlson | Fox News On Tuesday, the Washington Post, our hometown newspaper here in the nation’s capital, published an op-ed by former FBI Director Jim Comey. In the piece, Comey explains that whatever surveillance the Obama Justice Department conducted on the 2016 Trump campaign was entirely justified and within bounds — nothing weird about it at […]

Posted inNational News

2020 Dems jump into abortion fray as legal battle heats up

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Among the throng of abortion-rights demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court this week were six Democratic presidential candidates. They were there to protest new abortion restrictions passed by Republican-dominated legislatures in such states as Georgia, Missouri and especially Alabama, which approved an outright ban on abortions. SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR PLEDGES TO SIGN […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Trump gives AG Barr authority to declassify documents related to 2016 campaign surveillance

By Talia Kaplan, Mike Arroyo | Fox News President Trump on Thursday night issued a memo giving Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016. Trump also ordered the intelligence community to cooperate with Barr. The memo read: “The heads of elements of the intelligence community… and the heads […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today the U.S. Department of Justice released 73 pages of records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) containing text messages and calendar entries of Mueller special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann showing he led the hiring effort for the investigation that targeted President Trump. The document production came in response to […]

Posted inNational News

Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country’s probes may be ‘very, very helpful’ for Trump

By: Gregg Re | Fox News Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said in an interview Thursday that he plans to travel to Ukraine to push the country’s leadership on several probes that may prove “very, very helpful” to President Trump, as Republicans continue looking to turn the tables on Democrats and prove that they — not the GOP — were the party that […]

Posted inEconomy

Trump says Obama let China get away with ‘murder,’ touts tariffs as trade standoff heats up

By: Brooke Singman | Fox News President Trump on Friday touted his administration’s controversial move to increase tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods after trade talks between Washington and Beijing failed to come to an agreement, while saying the Obama administration let China “get away with ‘murder.’” Despite the new tariffs, trade negotiations will continue Friday morning, according to […]

Posted inNational News

Watergate reporter throws shade on Nadler’s claim of ‘constitutional crisis’, questions if issue resonates with voters

By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News Iconic Watergate reporter Bob Woodward dismissed the Democrats’ assertion that the United States is in a “constitutional crisis” after voting to hold Attorney General Bill Barr in contempt. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., declared a “constitutional crisis” after his committee voted to hold Barr in contempt for defying a subpoena for Special Counsel […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

US launches long-range missile minutes after North Korea’s rogue tests; official says ‘not a response’

North Korea fired two short-range missiles on Thursday, according to South Korean military, as the U.S. responded with an intercontinental ballistic missile test of their own just 10 minutes later. The launch, the second such move in less than a week, occurred around 4:30 p.m. local time from the North’s Sino-ri missile base, the South’s joint chiefs of staff […]