Posted inImmigration

Ernst Says US Taxpayers Shelling Out $3 Million Daily for Border Wall That Biden Won’t Build

By Mark Tapscott American taxpayers are still paying $3 million a day for former president Donald Trump’s border wall with Mexico that President Joe Biden cancelled on his first day in office, according to Sen. Joni Ernst. The Iowa Republican wants to know since taxpayers are funding it anyway, why not go ahead and build the wall? “We are […]

Posted inHealthcare

Growing Number of States Changing How They Report COVID-19 Hospitalizations

By Jack Phillips An increasing number of states and municipalities are changing how they report COVID-19 hospitalizations, cases, and other data, signaling a shift in how policymakers healthcare workers view the CCP virus. For example, in New Hampshire, the state reported seven COVID-19 hospitalizations, down from about two dozen reported during the previous week. Officials said the drop […]

Posted inNational News

Nearly 92 Percent of Congressional Seats Set For Elections After Post-Census Redistricting

By John Haughey When Republican Gov. Larry Hogan signed into law new congressional maps drawn by the Democrat-controlled state General Assembly on April 4, Maryland became the 47th state to formally adopt new legislative and congressional districts following the 2020 United States Census. With Louisiana’s GOP-led legislature on March 30 overriding Democratic Gov. John Bel […]

Posted inNational News

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Legislation Restricting Teaching of Critical Race Theory in K-12 Schools

By Katabella Roberts South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem signed an executive order on April 5 that will restrict the teaching of block critical race theory (CRT) in K-12 education in the state. The legislation states that the Department of Education (DOE) shall not “compel” employees, students, or teachers to “personally affirm, adopt, or adhere to inherently divisive concepts.” The order directs the education […]

Posted inNational News

2020 Election Nullification, Audit Bills Dead or Dying in State Legislatures

By John Haughey Nine of 10 bills filed in six states seeking to audit 2020 election results—including three that would have nullified Joe Biden’s victory—have fallen by the wayside as legislative sessions wind down. Seven bills seeking 2020 general elec­tion audits were filed in four states, Flor­ida, New Hamp­shire, South Caro­lina, and Tennessee. Only a New […]

Posted inNational News

Biden gets no reprieve from bad poll numbers

By W. James Antle III, Politics Editor President Joe Biden’s team had hoped the signing of the infrastructure law last year would be a turning point for the administration. No such luck. Instead, Biden’s position has looked weaker despite some other positives he could point to — falling unemployment, a respectable January jobs report and the upward revision […]

Posted inNational News

499 Arizonans Claim Stores as Legal Residences: 110 Voted in 2020, Study Finds

By Steven Kovac A study released on Jan. 31 by the nonpartisan Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) has revealed many irregularities on Arizona’s voter rolls. Records examined in Maricopa County found that 354 registered voters had claimed storefront addresses as their legal residence. Yuma County was next with 133, followed by a smattering of instances in four other counties, for […]

Posted inHealthcare

Ivermectin ‘Safe’ and ‘Effective’ for Treating Omicron: Japanese Company

By Naveen Athrappully A Japanese conglomerate has found that the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin is effective and safe for the treatment of the coronavirus Omicron variant, according to a phase III clinical trial. Kowa Co. Ltd., a conglomerate with interests in trading, hospitality, and electronics, along with health and medical applications, issued a press release (pdf) on […]