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Lawmakers From Other States Descend on Arizona to See Election Audit

By Zachary Stieber Lawmakers from multiple states have visited the 2020 election audit in Arizona’s largest county in recent days, with more visits planned. Delegations from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Alaska were given tours of Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where the audit is taking place in Phoenix. Michael McDonald, the Nevada Republican Party chairman, went to the venue […]

Posted inNational News

Taxpayers Fleeing California Take $8.8 Billion In Gross Income to Other States

By Tom Ozimek California, with its relatively large tax burden compared to other states, has seen a taxpayer exodus in recent years and, along with it, billions in taxable gross income. State-to-state migration data recently released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) shows that California lost an estimated net 70,534 households—or 165,355 taxpayers and their dependents—in the years 2017-2018, with those […]

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Conservative Nonprofit to Launch $10 Million Campaign to Strengthen Election Integrity: Report

By Tom Ozimek Conservative nonprofit Heritage Action for America is on Monday expected to announce plans to spend $10 million on a wide-ranging election integrity campaign to strengthen voting laws in eight swing states, according to reports. According to Fox News, the campaign will target Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, Texas, and Wisconsin, with the effort involving […]

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Arizona’s 11 Electoral Votes Challenged by GOP Senator, Reps During Joint Session

By Jack Phillips More than 60 Republican House representatives led by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and one senator objected to Arizona’s 11 electoral votes during the Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday. Their objection “complies with the law,” said Vice President Mike Pence, the president of the Senate during the Joint Session of Congress. Gosar […]

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Trump: Pence ‘Has the Power to Reject Fraudulently Chosen Electors’

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump asserted on Tuesday that Vice President Mike Pence has the power to reject electors that were fraudulently chosen, echoing statements made by his legal team in recent days ahead of Jan. 6’s Joint Session of Congress. “The Vice President has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors,” Trump wrote on Tuesday in a tweet. Republicans […]

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GOP Congressman Signs First Objection to States’ Certifications for Jan. 6 Electoral Challenge

By Jack Phillips Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) said Monday that he signed an objection to the electoral vote in six states ahead of the Joint Session of Congress on Wednesday. “Promises made. Promises kept. Today I signed objections to tainted electoral college vote submissions” in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Brooks wrote. “Senators? Time to sign […]

Posted inNational News

6-Person Team Briefs Hundreds of State Lawmakers on Election Irregularities

By Ivan Pentchoukov and Zachary Stieber A six-person team that included Rudy Giuliani and Peter Navarro briefed hundreds of state lawmakers about evidence of election irregularities, during a Jan. 2 meeting. The virtual meeting included legislators from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Navarro said during an appearance on Fox News. “These legislators, they’re hot, […]

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Trump in ‘Good Position’ for Electoral Vote Showdown: Grennell

By Jack Phillips President Donald Trump is in a “really good position” for Wednesday’s challenge in Congress, according to former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell. “The Democrats have moved from there’s not any fraud, to there’s not widespread fraud, and now their new mantra is there is ‘not enough fraud to overturn’ the election,” Grenell told Newsmax, adding […]

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24 Louisiana State Reps Urge GOP Congressional Delegation to Reject Biden-Harris Electors

By Mimi Nguyen Ly Twenty-four Louisiana House Republicans are calling on the state’s Republican congressional delegation to reject the electors for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for six swing states on Jan. 6, “due to fraud in the presidential election.” Lawmakers will gather on Jan. 6 for a […]