Posted inEconomy

Bipartisan breakthrough? Pols unveil ‘Back to Work’ plan for reopening economy with emphasis on mass testing

By Marisa Schultz | Fox News After spending weeks diving into coronavirus issues over video conferencing, a bipartisan group of 50 House members has crafted a plan for what’s needed to reopen the economy safely and help businesses recover from crippling mandatory shutdowns. Fox News got an exclusive first look at the Problem Solvers Caucus plan that outlines specific public health, economic recovery and long-term stimulus plans the […]

Posted inWorld

China ‘cornered’ the personal protective equipment market and ‘is profiteering’ during coronavirus outbreak

By Talia Kaplan | Fox News White House Trade Adviser Peter Navarro said during an exclusive interview on “Sunday Morning Futures” that China “cornered” the personal protective equipment (PPE) market during the coronavirus outbreak and “is profiteering.” Navarro, who is also the National Defense Production Act policy coordinator, made the comment on Sunday reacting to a recent Fox News report, which cited multiple sources, […]

Posted inLife, Nature and Tradition

People buying more plants, garden tools while in quarantine: ‘We’ve seen a tremendous spike’

By April Hardwick | New York Post New Yorkers are going green while in quarantine. Folks on lockdown are buying up plants to decorate their pads — in part because those with black thumbs are around 24/7 to care for them and in part because they are soothing during stressful times. Since New Jersey’s stay-at-home order took […]

Posted inWorld

How complicit is the WHO in China’s coronavirus cover-up?

By Hollie McKay | Fox News The World Health Organization (WHO) has increasingly come under the spotlight in recent weeks for its role in the coronavirus outbreak, culminating in the Trump administration temporarily halting funding. Its role has prompted a cloud of criticism and questions over who knew what and when. So how complicit or blind was the UN agency […]

Posted inNational News

Coronavirus antibody testing finds Bay Area infections may be 85 times higher than reported: researchers

By Alexandria Hein | Fox News A team of researchers in California found that the number of coronaviruses cases in one county may actually be up to 85 times higher than the what health officials have tallied, and say their data may help better estimate the virus’ true fatality rate. Earlier this month, Stanford University-led researchers tested 3,330 adults and children in Santa […]

Posted inWorld

China decimated US intelligence apparatus years ago, posing steep challenge during coronavirus cover-up

By Hollie McKay | Fox News A glaring spotlight has been cast on U.S. intelligence operations in China in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and how exactly the novel pathogen originated in the city of Wuhan. While China’s official narrative is that the disease was born out of a wet market in the city, sources within the U.S. intelligence community […]

Posted inHealthcare

Coronavirus timeline shows politicians’, media’s changing rhetoric on risk of pandemic

By Gregg Re | Fox News As reporters looked on during a contentious White House briefing this week, President Trump stepped aside and played a brief video showing several media figures downplaying the coronavirus in January and February, including some personalities who now argue the president didn’t act quickly enough. Looking back, members of both parties have mud on their face […]

Posted inNational News

MSNBC host suggests Biden form ‘shadow government’ to counter Trump on coronavirus

By Dom Calicchio | Fox News The U.S. presidential election is still seven months away but an MSNBC host is already suggesting that Democrat Joe Biden set up a “shadow government” against the Trump administration amid the coronavirus outbreak. Stephanie Ruhle pitched the idea Wednesday during an interview with Jim Messina, who served as deputy chief of staff of operations under former President Barack Obama. Messina […]

Posted inNational News

Trump says he may forcefully adjourn Congress, use recess to appoint nominees

By Nick Givas | Fox News President Trump announced during a White House address Wednesday that he is considering adjourning Congress and using its absence to make political appointments. “If the House will not agree to that adjournment I will exercise my constitutional authority to adjourn both chambers of Congress,” he said. The president claimed his administration is understaffed and blamed congressional […]

Posted inNational News

Drivers swarm Michigan capital to protest coronavirus lockdown measures

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Hundreds of cars, trucks and SUVs descended on Michigan’s state capital Wednesday afternoon as part of a noisy protest against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s social-distancing restrictions that critics say have gone too far. Dubbed “Operation Gridlock” and organized by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, the protest did just that – creating bumper-to-bumper traffic throughout […]