Posted inNational News

Neighbor, colleague reportedly back Biden accuser Tara Reade’s claims

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Two more people who knew Tara Reade in the ’90s reportedly came forward on Monday to back the former Senate staffer’s claims of sexual misconduct against Joe Biden. Lynda LaCasse, a former next-door neighbor of Reade’s and a self-described supporter of Biden spoke on the record with Rich McHugh of Business Insider about past conversations they […]

Posted inWorld

The mystery surrounding Kim Jong Un: What’s going on with the North Korean dictator’s health?

By Michael Ruiz | Fox News What’s the story with Kim Jong Un? The North Korean leader missed a high-profile public appearance earlier this month — and then murky, unverified reports emerged about his health. On Tuesday, North Korea’s leader was reportedly recovering from a cardiovascular procedure, according to South Korean media. But specific details about his condition are unclear and unverified — and North […]

Posted inNational News

High profile inmates from Michael Avenatti to Tekashi 6ix9ine who have been released from prison early because of coronavirus

By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News From 71-year-old federal fraudsters to Colombian drug lords, there has been a mad dash of high-profile prisoners petitioning the courts for a compassionate or restricted release in the wake of COVID-19. That means, while others are locked up in cramped over-crowded cells, they get to go home. Criminal justice advocates have rallied around […]

Posted inNational News

‘The View’ ignores Tara Reade’s Biden allegations after championing Kavanaugh accusers

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News “The View” hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Meghan McCain have been sounding off regularly on President Trump’s response to the coronavirus outbreak and the race between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. Yet none of them have weighed in on a disturbing sexual assault allegation facing Biden […]

Posted inBusiness

Here’s why you can’t find frozen fries, while U.S. farmers are sitting on tons of potatoes

By Lisa Baertlein (Reuters) – Shopper Lexie Mayewski is having a hard time finding frozen french fries in Washington, D.C.-area supermarkets in the wake of coronavirus-fueled stockpiling. On the other side of the country, Washington state farmer Mike Pink is weighing whether to plow under 30,000 tons of potatoes worth millions of dollars that would […]

Posted inHealthcare

Buildings closed by coronavirus face another risk: Legionnaires’ disease

By John Shiffman WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Commercial buildings shuttered for weeks to stem the spread of the coronavirus could fuel another grisly lung infection: Legionnaires’ disease. Public health experts are urging landlords across the globe to carefully re-open buildings to prevent outbreaks of the severe, sometimes lethal, form of pneumonia. The sudden and sweeping closures […]

Posted inEconomy

Millions of Americans join unemployment line as coronavirus savages economy

By Lucia Mutikani WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A stunning 26.5 million Americans have sought unemployment benefits since mid-March, confirming that all the jobs gained during the longest employment boom in U.S. history have been wiped out as the novel coronavirus savages the economy. The deepening economic slump amid nationwide lockdowns to control the spread of COVID-19, […]

Posted inOpinion

AOC disrespects working people – this Tweet tells us where we stand with the left

By Daniel Turner | Fox News It’s hard, not impossible or superhuman, but hard to separate politicians from their politics. We see this in the “never Trumpers,” that group of right-of-center thinkers whose dislike for the president is so great they are incapable of supporting him on their core beliefs like the benefit of deregulation and tax cuts to […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Usama bin Laden wanted to kill Obama so ‘totally unprepared’ Biden would be president, declassified docs show

By Gregg Re | Fox News Usama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the “totally unprepared” Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States “into a crisis,” according to documents seized from bin Laden’s Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011. The secretive documents, first reported in 2012 by […]

Posted inWorld

Former CIA operative: China uses Dems as ‘useful idiots’ to spread propaganda, Biden ‘in the tank’ for Beijing

By Julia Musto | Fox News Former CIA operative Bryan Dean Wright reacted Thursday to a new report that China helped to spread misinformation about coronavirus, calling out Democrats – including former Vice President Joe Biden – for placing too much trust in Beijing’s narratives. During the early stages of the outbreak in the United States, Chinese agents reportedly sent text messages to Americans warning the government would soon […]

Posted inNational News

Dem lawmakers eye ‘opportunity’ for historic expansion of government amid coronavirus crisis

By Adam Shaw | Fox News Former Obama White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said during the 2008 financial crisis that lawmakers should “never let a crisis go to waste,” and many Democratic lawmakers appear to be heeding that advice — using the coronavirus pandemic as a jumping-off point to renew calls for a historic expansion of government. Emanuel repeated his mantra again last […]