Posted inEconomy

Bankruptcy is extra burden for some job seekers

By The Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON — Hundreds of thousands of Americans who have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic could be confronting an added barrier as they seek to rejoin the workforce: a bankruptcy on their record. Federal law allows private employers to turn down a job applicant because of a past bankruptcy filing, which employers can […]

Posted inNational News

Insurgents from the left threaten to upend Dem Party plans in Tuesday primaries

By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News The progressive wing of the Democratic Party hasn’t had much to celebrate at the ballot box since populist Sen. Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign two-and-a-half months ago. But the left appears to be storming back, giving more moderate Democratic candidates some serious competition in newly competitive primaries in Kentucky and New York, two of the states holding contests on Tuesday. WHAT […]

Posted inEconomy

Nasdaq hits all-time high after Trump overrides Navarro on China trade

By James Langford FOXBusiness ‘China trade deal is fully intact’ U.S. stocks climbed Tuesday after President Trump stood by his signature trade deal with China, walking back a top adviser’s statement that called the pact’s status into question over Beijing’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. “The China trade deal is fully intact,” the president said on Twitter, hours after Peter Navarro […]

Posted inNational News

Trump campaign rejects claims that TikTok, K-Pop fans sabotaged rally: ‘Don’t know what they’re talking about’

By Gregg Re | Fox News After top Democrats gloated that teenage activists had sabotaged turnout at President Trump’s Tulsa, Okla., rally on Saturday, the Trump campaign fired back within hours, saying that media organizations are complicit in spreading false narratives about the event — and that protesters and the coronavirus were the real culprits. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., specifically asserted that teenagers allegedly reserved scores of […]

Posted inNational News

Trump prepares for first campaign rally in months in Tulsa amid concerns about coronavirus, violence

By Adam Shaw | Fox News President Trump on Saturday will head to Tulsa, Oklahoma to address what is likely to be a packed rally of supporters — despite objections from local officials about the potential spread of the coronavirus, and fears that violence could break out as protesters as well as supporters flock to the event. The rally is the […]

Posted inSupreme Court

Supreme Court Abuses Power

By Judicial Watch – Weekly Update Supreme Court Protects Obama Illegal Amnesty Chief Justice Roberts and four liberal Supreme Court Justices ruled against the Trump administration’s effort to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) amnesty program. In doing so it has undermined the Constitution. Obama’s decision to provide amnesty for hundreds of thousands […]

Posted inNational News

Oklahoma Supreme Court allows Trump rally to proceed as planned, as president says Tulsa curfew being lifted

By Adam Shaw | Fox News The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Friday ruled that President Trump’s upcoming rally in Tulsa can go ahead as planned despite concerns about coronavirus — just as Trump announced that a curfew in the city had been lifted for the rally. “I just spoke to the highly respected Mayor of Tulsa, G.T. Bynum, who informed me […]

Posted inCongress

AOC rival Michelle Caruso-Cabrera turns to Wall Street for huge fundraising windfall

By Carl Campanile | New York Post Some of Wall Street’s biggest titans are pumping big bucks into defeating first-term Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez by bankrolling the campaign of her business-friendly Democratic primary opponent, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, campaign records reveal. Caruso-Cabrera’s donors include Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman and Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon. Both gave the maximum $2,800 for […]

Posted inBusiness

Corporate America’s Strategy Of Mob Appeasement Will Destroy it, Just As It Always Has

By Christopher Bedford Twenty-six years ago, Morgan Stanley hired Marilyn Booker as their first diversity director, charged with overseeing corporate efforts from the firm’s New York City headquarters, a 685-foot, glass, Times Square skyscraper. Ten years ago, Booker left that post to work in their financial wealth management division. Seven months ago, Booker was fired. […]