Posted inBusiness

American Express profit plunges 85% as coronavirus zaps spending

By Jonathan Garber FOXBusiness American Express profit plummeted 85 percent in the three months through June as customers slashed spending while holed up in their homes during COVID-19 lockdowns. The New York-based financial services company earned $257 million, or 29 cents per share, as revenue fell 29 percent to $7.68 billion. Wall Street analysts surveyed by Refinitiv were expecting […]

Posted inOpinion

Tucker Carlson: Coronavirus response is being driven by politics

By Tucker Carlson | Fox News It is very likely that the coronavirus lockdowns themselves will affect the outcome of this year’s presidential election. The president announced Thursday that the Republican Party has canceled its traditional nominating convention in Florida next month. The reason: coronavirus. DONALD TRUMP: This afternoon, my political team came to me and laid out our plans for the convention in […]

Posted inNational News

Most Chicago homicide victims over the past decade are Black, police data show

By Louis Casiano, Stephanie Pagones | Fox News The Trump administration is planning to deploy federal agents to the city. As gun violence in Chicago increased exponentially over the past decade, African Americans were overwhelmingly impacted. Local leaders continue to grapple with how to combat the spike while opposing plans by the Trump administration to deploy federal agents to the city. From Jan. 1, 2010 through July […]

Posted inWorld

China harboring military-linked biologist fugitive at San Francisco consulate, FBI says

By Gregg Re | Fox News The Chinese consulate in San Francisco is harboring a biology researcher who falsely denied connections to the Chinese military to obtain a visa and gain access to the country, according to court documents filed by the FBI. The filing came as part of a document that cited a slew of other episodes in which Chinese nationals allegedly […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Trump to ‘surge’ federal agents to Chicago, other cities, amid spike in violent crime

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News The surge of agents to Chicago and other American cities is part of Operation Legend. President Trump is deploying 100 federal agents to Chicago to help combat rising rates of some crimes – a move that marks an expansion of the White House’s intervention into local law enforcement as Trump continues to position himself […]

Posted inNational News

Lockdowns were ‘big mistake,’ crippled economy and haven’t ‘done much’ to curb COVID-19: Rand Paul

By Talia Kaplan | Fox News ‘I see nothing to be admired in New York’s lockdown,’ Paul says. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told “Fox News Rundown” podcast on Wednesday that he thinks coronavirus lockdowns were “a big mistake,” adding that they led to a crippling of the economy and haven’t “done much to the virus.” Paul made the comments as several states […]

Posted inHealthcare

Doctor reinfected with COVID-19 – three months after recovering

By Hannah Sparks | New York Post A doctor in Israel has reportedly been reinfected with COVID-19 — three months after her first bout with the coronavirus. While there have been several reports of reinfection of COVID-19 globally, the news comes amid ongoing uncertainty in the scientific community about whether long-term immunity is possible following an infection. UNIFORM USE OF CORONAVIRUS FACE […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Dozens of federal law enforcement officers in Portland doxed amid riots, officials say

By Adam Shaw | Fox News About 38 officers have had personal information put online. Dozens of federal law enforcement officers in Portland have had their personal information posted online by individuals who have also encouraged protesters to go to those officers’ homes, officials said Tuesday. Federal Protective Service (FPS) Deputy Director of Operations Richard Cline said at […]

Posted inNational News

U.S. officials defend Portland crackdown: ‘We’re not going to apologize’

By Reuters WASHINGTON/PORTLAND (Reuters) – U.S. Homeland Security officials said on Monday they had no intention of pulling back in Portland, Oregon, after a federal crackdown on anti-racism protests that included the use of unmarked cars and unidentified officers in camouflage. Weeks of protests in Portland over police brutality and systemic racism intensified as federal […]

Posted inFinance

S&P 500 gains on COVID-19 vaccine, stimulus hopes

By Reuters (Reuters) – The S&P 500 edged higher on Monday as promising data across a range of COVID-19 vaccine candidates and hopes of more stimulus helped overcome fears around the extent of the economic damage from a surge in domestic infections.FILE PHOTO: Traders wearing masks work, on the first day of in-person trading since […]