Posted inNational News

Portland sees 150-round shooting at apartment building, as crowds continue violent clashes with police

By Danielle Wallace | Fox News More than 150 rounds were fired and one woman was shot in Portland on Friday night while protesters on Saturday – some of whom appeared to impersonate press – threw glass bottles and shined lasers at city police officers sent to quell the nighttime unrest witnessed for more than two months straight. Saturday marked the third night of federal […]

Posted inNational Security & Defense

Microsoft, TikTok officials in White House talks to prevent total ban

By Charlie Gasparino, Lydia Moynihan, Evie Fordham FOXBusiness Trump is weighing his options and is expected to have an answer Monday or Tuesday. As Microsoft considers a buyout of social media app TikTok, officials from the big tech company and well as executives representing TikTok have been in discussions with the White House to prevent the Trump administration from issuing a […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

MSNBC ignores Epstein docs implicating Bill Clinton; CNN largely avoids

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Records show Epstein accuser Virginia Giuffre claimed she saw the former president on Epstein’s private island — a claim Clinton has denied. MSNBC and CNN offered little to no on-air coverage of the release of damning documents that tie former President Bill Clinton to the late convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. A trove of documents […]

Posted inOpinion

Deroy Murdock: Orwellian Democrats claim Portland’s violence = peace

By Deroy Murdock | Fox News DHS’s deployment to Portland is not ritual chest-beating. It’s not toxic masculinity. It’s the law.  NEW YORK — Denial is not just a river in Egypt, as the ancient joke goes. It’s the Democrat/media/Left’s comprehensive response to the nationwide riots that rage on, seven weeks after the funeral of police-brutality victim George Floyd. […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

Bill Clinton visited Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, unsealed court documents suggest

By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Maxwell’s lawyers tried to prevent documents from being released. A trove of documents released late Thursday could shed light on Ghislaine Maxwell’s relationship with late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. The data include records of a 2011 meeting between accuser Virginia Giuffre and her lawyers where she talked about the powerful people in Epstein’s orbit who she […]

Posted inOpinion

Millions of kids are at risk this fall if schools don’t reopen. We must close the digital divide now

By Nina Rees FOXBusiness Failing to make an investment in internet and technology would leave millions of students in a modern Dark Ages. While school administrators across the nation scramble to pull together plans to reopen for the fall, it’s clear most students won’t be returning to classrooms full time. States such as Florida continue to press for […]

Posted inFinance

‘Capital war’ possible if US bans investment in China or withholds bond payments: Ray Dalio

By Lucas Manfredi FOXBusiness Bridgewater Associates founder says the actions could have ‘big implications’ on the value of the dollar. In an interview with “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo, Bridgewater Associates Founder Ray Dalio warned of a potential capital war if the United States government bans investment in China or withholds its bond payments to the country. CORONAVIRUS PHASE 4 STIMULUS COULD BE DONE PIECEMEAL, […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

AG Barr’s testimony on ‘Russiagate’ will make Democrats look ’embarrassed’

By Joshua Nelson | Fox News Barr will condemn the “grave abuses” in the “bogus Russiagate scandal,” while also highlighting Black-on-Black violence and defending law enforcement officers. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich weighed in on what he expected from Attorney General Bill Barr’s remarks on the Russiagate scandal in his first-ever appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. “AG Barr is […]

Posted inDepartment of Justice

DHS Secretary Wolf says Portland protests different from ‘normal criminal activity’

By Andrew O’Reilly | Fox News Wolf also criticized local leaders for claiming the demonstrations are peaceful. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf defended on Sunday the federal government’s response to the protests in Portland and criticized local leaders for claiming the demonstrations are peaceful. Speaking on “Sunday Morning Futures,” Wolf said the protests in Portland were different from […]

Posted inOpinion

Trump’s Operation Legend — these important cases of federal intervention paved the way

By Newt Gingrich | President Trump reminded everyone on Wednesday that protecting the American people was his “sacred obligation.” When President Trump announced Operation Legend to stop growing urban violence, many leftwing Democrats and propaganda media members criticized it as inappropriate federal intervention. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., tweeted “Trump & his stormtroopers must be stopped.” As I noted in […]

Posted inWorld

Chinese mogul expelled from party after calling Xi Jinping a ‘clown,’ accused of corruption

By Peter Aitken | Fox News Ren Zhiqiang often speaks his mind, earning the label ‘China’s Donald Trump’ from some outlets. A Chinese real estate mogul has been expelled from the Communist Party after he called President Xi Jinping “a clown,” with the party bringing charges of corruption against him. Ren Zhiqiang reportedly disappeared in March following a scathing […]