Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles: The Superior Choice for America's Fuel Economy, Vehicle Cost, and Infrastructure
Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles: The Superior Choice for America's Fuel Economy, Vehicle Cost, and Infrastructure

By Stephen Zogopoulos, USNN World News

In the United States, the debate between gasoline/diesel vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs) has gained significant traction in recent years. While the transition to electric mobility is an important goal, it is essential to examine the practicality and suitability of gasoline and diesel vehicles for the American context. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of why gasoline and diesel vehicles are better suited for America, considering fuel cost comparisons, vehicle costs, and the current infrastructure supporting gas and diesel vehicles. Furthermore, we will explore the time required to develop an electric vehicle infrastructure that matches the convenience and accessibility of conventional fuels.

  1. Fuel Cost Comparison:

When evaluating the fuel cost comparison between gasoline/diesel and electric vehicles, it is crucial to consider the current state of the American energy grid. While electric charging networks are expanding, the majority of electricity in the United States still relies on fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Consequently, the perceived environmental advantages of EVs may be offset by the reliance on non-renewable sources of electricity.

Gasoline and diesel vehicles, on the other hand, benefit from an extensive and established fueling infrastructure. Gas stations are ubiquitous across the country, providing easy access to fuel and ensuring drivers can refuel quickly. Additionally, fluctuations in gasoline and diesel prices tend to be more predictable and less susceptible to rapid increases, making fuel costs more stable for consumers.

  1. Vehicle Cost Perspective:

Gasoline and diesel vehicles have a distinct advantage in terms of vehicle costs compared to electric vehicles. While EVs have made significant advancements in recent years, they still tend to be more expensive upfront. The cost of manufacturing lithium-ion batteries, which are a crucial component of EVs, remains high. In contrast, gasoline and diesel vehicles benefit from mature production lines and economies of scale, resulting in lower purchase costs for consumers.

Moreover, the resale value of gasoline and diesel vehicles remains relatively stable due to the demand in the used car market. As EV technology evolves rapidly, older electric vehicles may face challenges in retaining their value. This factor becomes particularly significant for individuals who frequently change their vehicles or rely on the resale value to upgrade to newer models.

  1. Comparison of Current Infrastructure:

One of the key advantages of gasoline and diesel vehicles is the existing infrastructure to support their usage. Gas stations are abundant across the country, and the infrastructure required for gasoline and diesel distribution is well-established. The ease of finding refueling stations and the quick refueling process enables long-distance travel without excessive planning or range anxiety.

Conversely, the current electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the United States is still in its early stages. Although EV charging networks are expanding, there are still concerns about charging station availability, especially in rural or remote areas. The charging process itself also takes considerably longer than refueling with gasoline or diesel, further complicating long-distance travel for EV owners.

  1. Timeframe for EV Infrastructure Development:

To achieve a comparable infrastructure for electric vehicles that rivals the accessibility and convenience of gas and diesel refueling, a significant investment of time and resources will be required. Building an extensive network of charging stations across the country, including high-speed charging stations, necessitates a substantial commitment from both the public and private sectors.

The implementation of an EV infrastructure will involve expanding the electrical grid’s capacity, upgrading distribution systems, and ensuring a reliable and consistent power supply. This undertaking requires coordination between utility companies, automakers, government agencies, and other stakeholders. While progress is being made, it is challenging to estimate an exact timeframe for complete parity with gasoline and diesel infrastructure.

Gasoline and diesel vehicles remain the better-suited choice for America in terms of fuel cost comparisons, vehicle costs, and the existing infrastructure. While the future potential of electric vehicles is undeniable, the current state of the American energy grid, higher upfront costs, and the extensive infrastructure supporting conventional fuels provide compelling reasons to continue supporting gasoline and diesel vehicles. Nevertheless, efforts must continue to invest in EV infrastructure to pave the way for a sustainable and efficient transportation future.

This article was a follow up to a six part series. It presents an opposing view to todays push to EV’s. As battery technology advances and infrastructure is built to support EV’s, in the future they just may be the better choice.

Series Links:

Part 1: Introduction and Overview

Part 2: The Pros of Electric Vehicles

Part 3: The Cons of Electric Vehicles

Part 4: Infrastructure Requirements for Electric Vehicle Adoption

Part 5: Carbon Footprint: Manufacturing to Scrap

Part 6: Conclusion and Future Outlook

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