Fox News Parts Ways With Lara Trump Amid Father-in-Law’s Presidential Bid
Fox News Parts Ways With Lara Trump Amid Father-in-Law’s Presidential Bid

By Samantha Flom

Lara Trump will no longer serve as a contributor to Fox News, the network confirmed on Dec. 3.

The parting of ways follows former President Donald Trump’s Nov. 15 announcement that he will seek presidential office again in 2024.

“We appreciate Lara’s valuable contributions across Fox News Media programming,” a Fox News spokesperson told the Los Angeles Times on Saturday in a statement.

Lara Trump, who served as a senior adviser to her father-in-law’s 2020 campaign, joined Fox News in March 2021. At the time, she was also considering a run for Senate in North Carolina—a move she ultimately decided against, citing familial obligations.

“I am saying no for now, not no forever,” she noted last year at the North Carolina GOP state convention.

According to the LA Times, the decision to end Trump’s employment at Fox News was said to have been made solely based on company policy relating to political activity. However, the decision also comes at a time of increased tension between Fox News and the former president.

In September, the 45th President vowed to sue Fox News—which he has accused of pushing a “Democrat agenda”—for airing a political attack ad against him from The Lincoln Project.

The former president has also been critical of News Corp, Fox News’ parent company, for the negative coverage its outlets produced about him in the wake of the midterm elections.

For instance, the News Corp-owned Wall Street Journal slammed Trump after the election, calling him the “Republican Party’s biggest loser” after several of the candidates the former president endorsed failed to secure victories.

Further, the Nov. 10 cover of another News Corp publication, The New York Post, mocked Trump with the headline “Trumpty Dumpty” and goaded, “Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall—can all the GOP’s men put the party back together again?”

Responding to the jab via his own social media platform Truth Social, the former president wrote: “The New York Post today has a story about the Wall, but my progress on the Wall was slowed down by News Corp Board Member Paul Ryan, who together with the Broken Old Crow Mitch McConnell, weren’t able to get me the funds. I ended up getting them anyway, after two-and-a-half years of lawsuits, through another source, and completed the Wall plus certain additions that were made, which could have been done in three weeks, but no, the Biden Administration stupidly wanted Open Borders.”

Trump has maintained that the midterm results constituted an overall victory for him personally, noting that the majority of the candidates he endorsed won their elections.

On Nov. 9, the day after the election, he asked his Truth Social followers, “While in certain ways yesterday’s election was somewhat disappointing, from my personal standpoint it was a very big victory—219 WINS and 16 Losses in the General—Who has ever done better than that?”

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