Double Standards and Corruption: The Two-Tiered Justice System under the Biden Administration
Double Standards and Corruption: The Two-Tiered Justice System under the Biden Administration

By Stephen Zogopoulos, USNN World News

The recent plea deal reached by the Justice Department with Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has once again brought to light concerns over political corruption and a two-tiered justice system in the United States. Senator Ted Cruz, among many others, has criticized the deal, labeling it as cronyism, camouflage, and corruption. This article delves into the allegations of favoritism and double standards within the FBI and DOJ, specifically targeting Attorney General Merrick Garland, President Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton.

A Sweetheart Deal?

On a recent episode of Fox News Tonight, Senator Ted Cruz expressed his dismay over the plea deal struck between the Justice Department and Hunter Biden. The agreement pertains to tax crimes and the illegal purchase of a handgun while Hunter was a drug user. Cruz argues that such a lenient outcome would not have been possible if Hunter’s last name were anything other than Biden. He claims that if Hunter Biden were an average citizen, he would be serving a substantial prison sentence, but because of his familial ties to the president, he receives a “sweetheart deal” with no jail time.

Cruz’s allegations of favoritism and camouflage are rooted in his belief that the DOJ sought to create an illusion of fairness by indicting Hunter Biden while protecting the larger interests of the Biden administration. He contends that this indictment aims to divert attention from potential corruption involving Joe Biden himself, who allegedly benefited financially from Hunter’s business dealings.

The Corruption Narrative

Senator Cruz maintains that the real issue lies not in Hunter Biden’s personal struggles but in the alleged selling of access to his father, who held high-ranking political positions. The evidence of corruption involving Joe Biden, according to Cruz, is mounting, and he accuses the Biden Justice Department of actively concealing and obstructing investigations related to this matter. Cruz argues that integrity must be restored to the DOJ, suggesting that the only viable solution is to win elections and clean house within these institutions.

The Politicization of the DOJ

Cruz further criticizes the current state of the Justice Department, stating that it has become one of the most politicized in the nation’s history. He singles out Attorney General Merrick Garland as the most political and partisan AG to date. According to Cruz, the application of the law differs greatly depending on whether one’s name is Donald J. Trump or Biden. He cites Hillary Clinton as another example, claiming that individuals connected to the Biden or Clinton families seem to receive preferential treatment, evading the consequences that the average American would face.

Dangerous Weaponization of Government

Cruz warns that when the machinery of government becomes a weapon to attack political opponents, the very foundations of democracy are undermined. He argues that the blatant double standards employed by the FBI and DOJ erode public trust in these institutions and perpetuate a two-tiered justice system, wherein the powerful are shielded from accountability while the average citizen is held to a different standard.

The plea deal with Hunter Biden has reignited concerns about political corruption and a two-tiered justice system within the United States. Senator Ted Cruz’s criticism of the DOJ’s actions and his allegations of cronyism and corruption reflect a growing sentiment among the American people. It is crucial to address these concerns and restore the faith of the public in the integrity and impartiality of the FBI and DOJ. Only through transparent investigations, equal application of the law, and electoral accountability can the nation move forward and ensure that justice is served for all, regardless of political affiliation or family ties.

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