DHS Sting Operation Rumors of Massive Voting Fraud
DHS Sting Operation Rumors of Massive Voting Fraud

By GuerillaStockTrading.com

President Trump has had Democrats in Congress, U.S. Intelligence agencies, big tech, and the mainstream corporate media create fake Russian collusion attacks, fake impeachments, fake 25th Amendment backdoors, and all matter of outright lies and fake news to take him out. President Trump knew back in 2018 that the election in 2020 was going to have massive election fraud by the Deep State Establishment to take him out. So, back in 2018, his Administration had the DHS create radioactive isotope watermarks on legitimate ballots that can’t be photocopied. Source: https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/403148-dhs-chief-calls-on-election-officials-in-all-50-states-to-have

Was it brilliant? Yes. But when you think about the attacks President Trump has survived from a corrupt Establishment and their propaganda news outlets, it was really quite obvious that President Trump would move years ago to create a more fair election ballot process to take on the widespread fraud in the system and truly drain the swamp.

It is being reported that the National Guard and multiple federal agencies were involved in a voter fraud sting that has detected millions and millions of fake ballots cast in this last election. In fact, the rumored DHS release puts the number of illegal ballots at a staggering 11.2 million. Here is the rumored DHS leak about the sting operation.

We cannot verify if the above document was leaked from the DHS, but we know that watermarked ballots that couldn’t be easily copied were ordered to be ready by the 2020 election.

We have repeatedly heard the President refer to “illegal ballots” and “late ballots” as different forms of fraud. It’s reasonable to guess that when the President says “illegal ballots,” he’s referring to ballots that were illegally created/copied and turned in as legitimate ballots. In other words, counterfeit ballots.

If the memo above really did come from the DHS and a massive federal sting operation really did occur, it would explain why the AIs are still so bearish on this market even though it keeps going up as if Biden has won the election. I’m still not ready to get into the stock market until we get more answers about what took place that allowed five states ran by Democrats to suddenly flip in the early hours of the morning over to Biden.

Democrat-controlled CNN and Cuomo even had a hard time explaining the huge 110,000 vote surge for Biden in seconds.

This is especially troubling when you consider that the votes recorded were more than the eligible voters in Wisconsin… oops! Nope, CNN, NBC say there’s nothing to see here.

Meanwhile, Twitter, Google, and MailChimp are censoring Mike Coudrey and anyone else that is pointing out obviously election fraud.

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