David Bossie: Kenosha visit shows Trump defends us against rioting anarchists trying to destroy US
David Bossie: Kenosha visit shows Trump defends us against rioting anarchists trying to destroy US

By David N. Bossie | Fox News

Biden cares more about the radical left’s perception of him than the health and safety of the American people.

President Trump traveled to Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday to demonstrate his profound and sincere support for the heartland community as it rebuilds from the senseless rioting, looting and violence it has experienced over the past week.

During his visit, the president announced that he would be providing $1 million in emergency support to Kenosha law enforcement, $13 million to law enforcement agencies statewide in Wisconsin, and nearly $4 million to small businesses.

This assistance is exactly the type of decisive action needed at this moment. President Trump is once again rising to the occasion.


Throughout the summer, we have seen violent rioters wreak havoc in our cities — burning down neighborhoods, taking innocent lives, and destroying countless businesses.

These radical anarchists have used the tragic deaths of George Floyd and other Black Americans as an excuse to destroy the lives of innocent bystanders, simply for no other reason than they want to burn down American society. Unfortunately, we are now seeing a resurgence of this chaos in Kenosha.

Based on the evidence we’ve seen so far, the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha by a police officer is disturbing to watch and raises questions. Blake, a Black man, was shot in the back seven times and is now paralyzed below the waist.

However, Blake’s shooting — which is now under investigation by authorities — is no excuse for leftist radicals to riot, set buildings on fire and commit other crimes in Kenosha. The violence must end.

When rioters decide to terrorize the streets, President Trump springs into action. He’s a proven leader.

The shameful actions by these extreme radicals are inexcusable. As we have seen with other riots across the country, these radicals are taking advantage of tragedy in order to upend the American way of life.


The only goal of these anarchists is to destroy the United States of America. But what’s even more inexplicable is the fact that it took former Vice President Joe Biden several days before he condemned the Kenosha riots. And he only issued his condemnation of rioting when polling made it clear his refusal to do so was costing him votes.

It’s shameful that the Democratic presidential nominee waited to get the public’s reaction before speaking up against this senseless criminal conduct. This shows he doesn’t hold any convictions. He cares more about the radical left’s perception of him than about the health and safety of the American people.

This should come as no surprise, considering Joe Biden has refused to back our nation’s brave law enforcement officers who are under constant attack during these unprecedented times. Don’t forget that he mostly avoided speaking about the riots as they ravaged the nation over the summer.

If Joe Biden refuses to back the brave men and women in blue, why would he ever feel the need to rush to condemn the riots in Kenosha or anywhere else?

Meanwhile, President Trump is taking swift and decisive action to protect American cities and law-abiding Americans. He sent federal authorities to jurisdictions under attack from these radical anarchists and offered federal assistance to state and local leaders dealing with destructive riots. The president most recently offered the Wisconsin governor assistance.

When rioters decide to terrorize the streets, President Trump springs into action. He’s a proven leader. He didn’t wait until polling showed him it was the popular thing to do.

The American people have an important decision to make in the November election. President Trump stands up for the men and women of law enforcement and is committed to upholding the rule of law in our communities, to keep all Americans safe. The alternative is Joe Biden, who follows whatever his handlers tell him is advantageous for him at any given moment.

Whether we’re talking about Kenosha or the entire nation, President Trump is the only candidate on the ballot with all of our best interests in mind. Biden’s only interest is what his handlers consider beneficial for him — and him alone.

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