Biden claims Antifa isn’t real. WND’s FREE 22,000-word e-book proves he’s lying
Biden claims Antifa isn’t real. WND’s FREE 22,000-word e-book proves he’s lying

By WND News Services

Back in November 2020 when the peaceful “Million MAGA March” of Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., was viciously attacked by Antifa – or as Trump called them, “ANTIFA SCUM” and “Human Radical Left garbage” – Joe Biden insisted the ultra-violent organization doesn’t even exist!

“Antifa’s an idea, not an organization.” That’s how, during the first presidential debate, Biden described the long-established, worldwide, communist-anarchist organization that’s been burning down U.S. cities and assaulting Americans for months.

Claiming “white supremacists” pose a greater danger to the country than the violent, far-left revolutionary Antifa mobs ravaging and terrorizing America for the past year, Biden also repeated what has become known as “the Charlottesville lie” – the fabricated claim that Donald Trump praised “very fine” neo-Nazis at the so-called “Unite the Right” event in 2017.

Trump had prompted Biden’s bizarre denial of the very existence of the Antifa organization when he said someone should “do something” about Antifa, in response to moderator Chris Wallace’s questioning whether Trump would publicly condemn white supremacists – something he repeatedly did as president, but which Democrats continually fabricated as a means of painting the 45th president as a white supremacist and Nazi sympathizer.

In reality, as WND has documented in an original, comprehensive and authoritative 22,000-word e-book – FREE to all WND readers – Antifa is not only a very real organization with roots going back decades, it is, as Trump repeatedly said during his presidency, a genuine domestic terror group.

To get WND’s exclusive 22,000-word investigative report in e-book form – delivered immediately to your inbox – simply click on the link below.

FREE SPECIAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON ANTIFA! What exactly is ANTIFA and what are its real goals? Why does it viciously attack America at every opportunity, prompting then-President Donald Trump to label it a “domestic terror group”? WND is offering an original, in-depth investigative report on ANTIFA – absolutely FREE! Sign-up here for your copy of this powerful 22,000-word e-book exposing ANTIFA, which will be delivered to you immediately!

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