Americans' support for Biden's electric car push is nearly zero
Americans' support for Biden's electric car push is nearly zero

By Bob Unruh

In response to Joe Biden’s insistence that the fossil fuel industry be eliminated entirely, California officials already have claimed to set in motion their plan to ban the sales of new gasoline powered vehicles in their state in a few years.

New York is moving the same direction.

But Americans aren’t.

A new poll shows that only 1.4% of voters “believe eliminating gas-powered cars and moving to electric vehicles is the best solution.”

The poll is from Convention of States Action, which worked with The Trafalgar Group, on the new results.

The polling was done September 17-20 and included more than 1,000 likely 2022 election voters.

“Continued pushes by Joe Biden and others in his administration to phase out – and in many cases even ban – gasoline-powered cars are absurd and completely detached from the practical reality in which most Americans live,” said Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States.

“This poll shows once again that the American people overwhelmingly disagree with the insane energy policies of the radical left, and reassert that the common sense solution to our energy crisis is to increase our own oil and gas production. This administration is long past serving the needs of the everyday American, and only exists to advance the fantasy-land New Green agenda of the far left.”

The polling showed 40.6% of voters believe “increasing domestic oil and gas production is the best solution to provide America with reliable, long-term energy independence.”

Further, another 10.6% say more nuclear power plants would be the best.

And a minority, 25.5% say new energy investments should focus on renewables like solar and wind.

And 19.8% say all of the above.

Even among Biden’s own political faction in the U.S., the Democrats, only 3% say killing gas-powered cars and moving to all-electric is the best solution.

That perspective was held by none of the Republicans surveyed, and only 1.7% of the independent voters.

The poll revealed that 32% of independent voters say increasing domestic oil and gas production is the best solution to provide energy independence, a perspective held by 69.5% of Republicans.

It is 51.1% of Democrats who say new energy investments should focus on wind and solar, and 9.6% still are faithful to domestic oil and gas production.

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