Acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf to Twitter's Jack Dorsey: 'Your censorship poses a threat to our security'
Acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf to Twitter's Jack Dorsey: 'Your censorship poses a threat to our security'

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Wolf slammed the tech giant for suspending CPD Commissioner Mark Morgan for touting the success of the border wall.

Acting Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf sent a scathing letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey over its recent suspension of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan.

The Federalist first reported that Morgan’s account was suspended after he sent a tweet touting the success of the border wall at the southern border.

Twitter temporarily locked Morgan’s account for violating its “hateful conduct” policy by tweeting that the border wall helps stop “gang members, murderers, sexual predators, and drugs” from entering the United States. 

“It’s fact, walls work,” Morgan wrote, according to the screenshots. 


Twitter ultimately lifted the suspension following an appeal and “further evaluation from our team,” according to a spokesperson. But that didn’t stop Wolf from sending a letter directly to the tech giant’s head honcho. 

“I write to you about Twitter’s recent censorship of Mark Morgan, the Senior Official Performing the Duties of Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP),” Wolf began his letter. “Not only was Twitter’s act of censorship unjustified—the tweet is supported by data—it is disturbing. As the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other Federal agencies continue to rely on Twitter to share important information with the U.S. public, your censorship poses a threat to our security.”

“The fact that the tweet was removed and the account locked is startling. It is hard to understand how anyone believed Mr. Morgan’s tweet promoted violence, threats or harassment. Especially considering that the facts about the border wall system support the tweet.”


Wolf accused Twitter moderators of being “triggered” by Morgan’s tweet called its removal from the platform “startling.”

“Whether you know it or not, CBP guards the front line of the American homeland. CBP repels and arrests thousands of violent criminal gang members each year. CBP rescues young girls who are forced into cross-border sex trafficking. CBP intercepts dangerous drugs and contraband, including enough of the opioid fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States several times over,” Wolf explained. “CBP fulfills the United States’ most obvious and essential law enforcement and national security responsibility to the people of our country. Your company may choose to be ignorant of these facts, but it is no less censorship when you choose to suppress them.”

The acting DHS secretary called Twitter’s suspension of the account “disturbing” and claimed that its “censorship” of government officials “endangers the national security.” 

“It is dangerous and damaging when any publisher arbitrarily and unfoundedly decides, as it did here, that the facts and policies of a particular Presidential Administration constitute ‘violence’—in order to censor them,” Wolf continued. “And in the case of Twitter, this can cut off an essential mode of communication between U.S. Government officials and the public. In doing so, Twitter is sabotaging public discourse regarding important national and homeland security issues.”

“Further, it is clear that Twitter’s gross censorship was intentional, not accidental… Only after CBP reached out to Twitter’s office of government affairs a second time and went public with this censorship, then finally Twitter admitted its bad judgment and unlocked the account.”

Wolf closed the letter by calling on Dorsey to “never again censoring content on your platform and obstructing Americans’ unalienable right to communicate with each other and with their government and its officials, including the thousands of law enforcement officers at the DHS who work vigilantly and diligently to protect your safety every day.”

Morgan’s brief suspension wasn’t the only mea culpa Twitter issued this week. On Friday evening, Twitter lifted its suspension of the New York Post after a lengthy standoff over the paper’s Hunter Biden report. 

Fox News’ Brian Flood contributed to this report.

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