Gutfeld Kavanaugh Watters FOX AP FOX
Gutfeld Kavanaugh Watters FOX AP FOX

By Victor Garcia | Fox News

Jesse Watters says he believes The New York Times reported, then corrected, questionable allegations against Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh deliberately, to push its anti-Trump agenda.

“I think they made the mistake on purpose. I think they purposely left this out and … will add that in later because that’s their agenda,” Watters said on “The Five” on Monday. “They have talented people there and it’s a great company, but they have an agenda and the agenda right now is to sell newspapers and attack the president.”

On Sunday, The Times corrected an article concerning a resurfaced allegation of sexual assault by the justice from his youth.


The two reporters who wrote the original story adapted it from an upcoming book, leaving out that several friends of the alleged victim said that she did not recall the episode in question at all. They also did not mention that the victim has refused to be interviewed and has made no comment.

Co-host Greg Gutfeld gave credit to Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway for fact-checking The Times’ story.

“If Mollie Hemingway hadn’t pointed this out that …  the victim could not verify the actual accusation. The Times would not have copped to this. They would not have had the correct correction,” Gutfeld said.

Gutfeld also questioned whether other Times stories also go unvetted.

“They’re only doing it because they got caught. How many stories did they get away with because nobody was paying attention?” Gutfeld asked. “I would say almost all of the stories The New York Times has done are inaccurate and wrong.”

Fox News’ Julia Musto contributed to this report.

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