Happy New Year, as We Face 2021 Together
Happy New Year, as We Face 2021 Together

By Editorial Board

Happy New Year!

We usually look forward with some joy to the beginning of a new year, as it brings the hope of unrealized possibilities. In 2021, though, the joy of the new year may be dulled by controversy and apprehension. But we should take heart. In the most important matters, our destiny is in our own hands.

The United States faces an unprecedented political crisis. The presidential race is still not settled, and serious charges of fraud have been made. However, there are issues that transcend the choice of a president.

Regardless of the outcome of the election, what we do now matters. Each of us must make a choice on fundamental things. Communism seeks to gain control of the world and to silence voices that oppose it. In thousands of ways in our daily lives we see a struggle playing out between good and evil. How do we respond? Do we choose good or evil? Truth or falsehood? In making this choice, we decide our destiny.

History will measure each one of us precisely, and, in the end, history will side with those who align with goodness and truth.

Our faith in the future and our pursuit of truth won’t change.

Courage will be needed as a pandemic that has recently shown signs of worsening might get much worse. Try to protect yourself by following the advice of your doctor.

At the same time, we should be aware that this pandemic carries a message. Its origin lies with the Chinese Communist Party, and each sickness is a reminder of how harmful the CCP is to the world.

The world has an alternative to the CCP’s malice. History has suggested that in past pandemics, those who had a strong faith in the divine had a better chance of surviving. In China we see the CCP seeking to uproot humankind’s relation to the divine, by persecuting the faithful.

We will face any difficulties together. With faith and courage, we can emerge from the troubles besetting 2021 with new hope for the future.

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